Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So, Art & Coffee Was a Success!

ArtLoveMagic rocked
Ended the night with a good chunk of change to take home. But, what was even better was all the people who showed up to it!

My family came out and stayed for a bit.
Tessa and her sis came out to see me, which was real cool.
A ton of my friends.
And my friends from my old work place at Hobby Lobby! About 3/4ths of them came out which was real cool.

So the night was a success.

My Batman picture sold a bunch, which I'll post up in a bit.
And, true to the name, I painted with coffee.

My scanner's been dead for about a week or two now. So I'll scan what I have left over when I have the chance. Lol.

1 comment:

  1. I totally wish I could have made it! I was thinking of you while sitting at home fuming at my absent babysitter. -Suzanne (the lady you met at Barnes & Noble.)
